Award-winning LawNet firm adopts new generation pricing platform

Posted by Michelle Barron on 14th April, 2021 in Opinion and categorised in .

Virtual Pricing Director®, the legal pricing platform conceived and built over three years by leading UK cost consultancy Burcher Jennings and leading international legal pricing experts Validatum, is being adopted by leading Peterborough law firm and LawNet member, Buckles.


Responding to rapid growth in demand from law firms for a fully integrated solution that appeals to partners and senior management of both global elite and smaller law firms has been a massive challenge, but one that the founders have cracked with their fully integrated AI-powered SaaS platform.

Richard Burcher, Chairman and co-founder of Virtual Pricing Director said:

“Over the last 10 years, the importance of pricing sophistication has become increasingly apparent to most law firms, large and small. What firms around the world have told us for several years is that they want a holistic solution that appeals to both front line lawyers and management power users, but is sufficiently flexible, adaptable and scalable up or down to meet the needs of a very diverse legal market.

As a former practicing lawyer of 30 years and a former managing partner I have been determined from the outset to give partners something that would make their lives easier and help them to be more commercial in their approach. A key feature of VPD is that it has been built by lawyers for lawyers.

Colleen Gostick, Chairman at Buckles said:

“Buckles is excited to announce its adoption of Virtual Pricing Director®. VPD is a very impressive solution to a business-critical challenge with which we have all been grappling

We are always looking for ways to better serve the needs and expectations of our clients particularly around price transparency and budgetary certainty as well as bringing increased commercial rigour to our operations. In both respects we think VPD will be a game-changer.

Martyn Jennings, CEO and co-founder of Virtual Pricing Director added:

We are delighted to have another progressive firm like Buckles come on board. More and more firms like Buckles are coming to the conclusion that pricing technology built by the world’s leading legal pricing experts is no longer in the ‘nice-to-have’ category.

Pricing transparency and budgetary certainty is a core client requirement and firms that can’t or won’t deliver on that expectation will lose clients to firms that can and will do so. We can help firms make that transition painlessly.

For more information, please visit

Contact: Stephanie White, COO, Virtual Pricing Director®

+44 (0)1225 632 777