Law firms see immediate increases in Partners’ profits and a dramatic reduction in the tension that invariably exists around pricing through better management of the client relationship
Pricing Skills Workshops
These pricing skills workshops have been immensely popular and we have implemented well over 300 of these workshops to firms in a number of countries.
You decide which fee earners you want to attend and we come to your offices or an alternative nearby venue of your choosing.
The workshops are intensive, interactive and very practically focused. They involve a combination of pricing principles and the day to day practical application of those skills. Fee earners have the opportunity to go through practical pricing sessions on their own current client files. This makes it a very effective learning exercise.
From our perspective, there are two simply articulated and critical yardsticks for the success of the workshops:
• The partners’ profits are increased – immediately
• A significant reduction in the tension usually inherent in the pricing aspect of the client relationship
What do you get from a pricing masterclass?
• An unrivalled professional development programme customised for the needs of your partners and (if you choose) senior associates.
• The confidence, skills, tools, knowledge, strategies and tactics required to deliver an immediate increase in revenue, profitability, margin and realisation rates.
• Introduction to one or two firms similar to your own with whom we have already worked intensively to give you the opportunity to speak with managing partners and finance directors to learn what impact the pricing training his had.
•A comprehensive and practical workbook of over 100 pages.
•Nearly 200 pricing and job specification templates supplied electronically.
•A comprehensive post pricing masterclass written guidelines andsuggestions for implementation.